The Organic Butchery

Wild Partridge Breasts, Previously Frozen

Regular price £6.36

Skinless partridge breasts are lean and delicious, particularly when gently pan fried, or diced and added to a casserole. A personal The Organic Butchery point here: Of all of the game, wild partridge is our favourite. A versatile ingredient that works well in a broad range of recipes, partridge is a great substitute for chicken.

The elusive partridge is similar in many ways to its distant cousin the pheasant. Succulent white meat on the breast, and dark flavoursome leg meat. For gamekeepers though, the two birds couldn’t be more different. Whilst the pheasant is a home bird and rather territorial, the partridge, once released, is a free spirit and immediately converts to wild, free-ranging and foraging for its food. The meat is delicate, but this lifestyle leads to partridge having a much more pronounced ‘gamey’ flavour.

*This product may contain lead shot or bone fragments. 

Lead-shot game refers to Pheasant, Partridge, Deer, Goose, Wood Pigeon, Woodcock & Rabbit shot for food using pellets or balls made of lead. Eating lead-shot game meat on a frequent basis can expose you to potentially harmful levels of lead. To minimise your risk of lead intake, if you frequently eat lead-shot game meat, particularly small game, you should cut down your consumption.

Exposure to lead can harm the developing brain and nervous system. So cutting down the amount of lead-shot game eaten is especially important for:

  • toddlers
  • children
  • pregnant women
  • women trying for a baby

This product has been previously frozen and therefore may defrost partially or fully on its way to you. Due to this it is not suitable for re-freezing.

Minimum Shelf Life: 7 Days 

Wild Game