Wild Game

At The Organic Butchery, we put a great deal of thought into supplying wild Game to our customers. We believe in organic farming and it's virtues, however we are also deeply concerned by current levels of food waste in the UK. It is no secret that despite living a truly free-range life, game is reared primarily for sport. In the west country, we are surrounded by estates that do this and in doing so manage the habitats and eco systems that support a bounty of flora and fauna in the area. Wildlife that simply would not be given the opportunity to flourish without this land management. To let the harvested meat go to waste does not sit comfortably with us when we have the platform to see that it goes to good use. 

So even though our wild-caught game cannot be certified as organic, we can ensure that the best possible practices are used in its sourcing - emphasising sustainability, natural habitats, and a commitment to preserving the integrity and quality of the wildlife.

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Wild Venison Mince (400g)


Wild Venison Diced (400g)


Wild Venison Steaks (340g)


Wild Venison & Juniper Sausages (400g)


Wild Venison Haunch B&R (1.2kg)


Wild Venison Haunch Bone In (1.2kg)


Whole Wild Rabbit, Previously Frozen

Roaming the UK's beautiful countryside, woodlands and wilderness, rabbits leaner meat is...

Wild Venison & Juniper Burgers (460g)


Wild Venison Fillets (250g)


Whole Wild Pheasant, Previously Frozen

Pheasant, the unsung hero of the British countryside crockpots! Free-ranging outdoors for...

Wild Partridge Breasts, Previously Frozen

Skinless partridge breasts are lean and delicious, particularly when gently pan fried,...

Wild Pheasant Breasts, Previously Frozen

A wonderful, accessible and versatile game meat, pheasant has a fuller flavour...

Wild Pigeon Breast Fillet, Previously Frozen

Pigeon is a rich, succulent, fine grained meat that’s much darker than...

Whole Wild Partridge, Previously Frozen

The elusive Partridge is similar in many ways to its distant cousin...

Wild Venison Loin Steaks (340g)


Wild Venison Whole Loin (500g)


Whole Wild Pigeon, Previously Frozen

Unlike our other game birds, Wild Wood Pigeons are not reared for...

Wild Venison Saddle Bone In (1.2kg)


Wild Venison Wellington, Previously Frozen (1.4kg)

£99.00 £89.10

Stuffed Wild Venison Saddle with Port, Pre Frozen

Our wild venison is prized for its rich, tender texture and earthy...
£95.00 £85.50

Wild Three Bird, Previously Frozen

Our Wild Three Bird Roast showcases the best of our wild game...
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