The Organic Butchery

Organic Shoulder of Pork

Regular price £17.69

If you're looking for a really traditional roasting joint for an all-the-trimmings Sunday lunch, you can't go wrong with a The Organic Butchery shoulder of pork. The collection of hard-working muscles from the shoulder of the pork carcass need a fairly slow cook, but you'll be rewarded by real depth of flavour from the delicately marbled meat, coupled with beautiful tender texture and delicious, crunchy crackling. Our butchers have removed the bone from this joint and added a layer of fat and skin, before securely tying it up.

Pigs are famously intelligent creatures. They're playful, inquisitive, sociable and quite often stubborn. Because they're natural foragers they can thrive in most habitats where grass, leaves, roots, fruit and nuts are available. As omnivores, they also enjoy digging up worms and insects with which to supplement their diet. As it's such a core instinct to pigs, we think they should have the freedom to rootle to their heart's content. That's why we rear our pigs in an organic, sustainable system that allows them to live outdoors, following their instincts and behaving in a generally piggy manner. 

Minimum Shelf Life: 8 Days 

Calories: 121 kcal/509 kJ
Fat: 4.2g
(of which Saturates 1.4g)
Carbohydrates: 0g
(of which Sugars 0g)
Fibre 0g
Protein: 20.8g
Salt: 0.19g

Organic, Outdoor Bred and Reared Pork