Organic Turkey Legs, Previously Frozen
Organic turkey legs deliver the hearty, traditional flavour of brown poultry meat, and plenty of it. Though the white meat of the breast is much sought after, we think it's the tasty brown meat that's the real prize on the turkey carcass. Less prone to drying out, it has a great depth of flavour that means it works in both delicate and robust recipes. And if you don't want to cook a whole bird, a turkey leg is the perfect mini roast, yielding enough meat to generously serve two people.
At The Organic Butchery it is important to us that our suppliers mirror our high-welfare standards. Our Turkeys come from Walters Turkeys in Berkshire; where they are slow-grown and have plenty of space to roam, run and indulge their natural instincts. They are one of the few organic turkey producers in the country that hang and dry pluck their turkeys in the traditional way.
Organic free-range Turkey