Here at The Organic Butchery, we respect the land, conserve wildlife and – perhaps most importantly – adhere to the highest standards of animal husbandry. Our trusted organic beef suppliers works with and checks their cattle every day. Knowing the animals and understanding their natural activities and behaviour is important for every stockperson. If you see them leaning on a gate checking out the herd, they’re not having a sneaky break, they’re actually sizing up the animals. But how do they know when everything’s OK and what are they looking that flags up a problem?

How To Keep Happy Pigs
Pigs are well known as probably the smartest animals on the farm. They have tremendous character and are inquisitive and frisky, making them a real joy to work with. Living in sociable groups is important to pigs – they enjoy the security of a family hierarchy and are sensitive to stress brought on by isolation or constant change.
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